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Restaurant Tri šešira
“Three Hats” is a true pearl among the restaurants of Skadarlija. It was built in the heart of Skadarska street and remains in a recognizable ambience for more than 150 years. It was opened in 1864 in a building where a craft workshop which had three pleated hats as a logo was previously located. That’s how the restaurant got its name. The restaurant is known for its service and quality even outside the borders of our country. It had the honor to host some of the most eminent domestic and international figures: King Juan Carlos, George Bush, Pertini, Willie Brant, and others. Many testimonies of the pleasant stay in the restaurant are stored in the guestbook. “Tri šešira” – a wealth of tradition, art and bohemian life. Tin Ujević, Branislav Nušić, Gustav Krklec, Čiča Ilija Stanojević, Raka Drainac enjoyed their days here, and the most famous inhabitant of Skadarska street – Đura Jakšić, often used to call it “wine spring”.
Covered with a 115-year-old cloak, newspaper “Politika” has come down the Skadarlija’s cobblestones and gathered its escort – journalists, editors, proofreaders, photo reporters, … under the roof of “Tri šešira”. This address was chosen for a reason, says a. o. editor-in-chief Žarko Rakić, because in this oldest tavern in the Bohemian district, born in 1864, and the second oldest in the entire capital, in 1904 the idea of establishing our daily newspaper was created. These data are recorded in the book “At Tri šešira” by journalist Miroslav Stefanović, associate of Politika’s “Magazine”. From this section, it is learned that the famous Skadarlian fortune teller, the actress Ljubica Janićijević, at this very place predicted that Margaret Thatcher would be a great statesman, and at the coffee table, the poet Stevan Raičković met his wife Bojana, about which she wrote, and he forwarded this letter to Crnjanski in London. In the winter days, the guests were entertained by Sofka Nikolić, whom they called the Queen of sevdah and romances.
As part of a birthday celebration, sixteen of the colleagues received jubilee awards. With the music of the tambourine, the play, the poetry told by the actress Ljiljana Jaksic, and the revival of editorial events, the press “lady” stepped into her new year.
At “Tri šešira”
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